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日期:2023-09-09 17:25:20  发布人:hijlsc  浏览量:224


民族: 汉族


2016-09 2020-07 河南城建学院 土木工程学院 学士

2020-09 2023-07 信阳师范大学 建筑与土木工程学院 硕士

2023-09 至今 河海大学 力学与材料学院 在读博士


1.Leilei Chen; Haozhi Li; Yingying Guo; Pan Chen; Elena Atroshchenko;Haojie Lian; Uncertainty quantification of mechanical property ofpiezoelectric materials based on isogeometric stochastic FEM with generalized nth-order perturbation, Engineering with Computers, 2023,1-21;

2.Haozhi Li; Juan Zhao; Xiaokun Guo; Yu; Yanming Xu; Xiaohui Yuan; Sensitivity analysis of flexoelectric materials surrogate model based on the isogeometric finite element method, Frontiers in Physics, 2022, 10: 1343;

3.Yanming Xu, Haozhi Li; Leilei Chen; Juan Zhao; Xin Zhang; Monte Carlo Based Isogeometric Stochastic Finite Element Method for Uncertainty Quantization in Vibration Analysis of Piezoelectric Materials,Mathematics, 2022, 10(11): 1840.


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