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日期:2023-09-09 15:53:10  发布人:hijlsc  浏览量:1248






2004.092008.07 西安邮电大学应用物理专业 理学学士

2009.092011.08 中国科学技术大学固体力学专业 工学硕士

2013.092014.09 德国慕尼黑联邦国防军大学 流体力学专业 国家


2011.092015.01 中国科学技术大学固体力学专业 工学博士


2015.012016.01 中国科学技术大学热力工程与工程热物理博士后

2016.022020.12 信阳师范学院建筑与土木工程学院结构力学行为与设计重点实验室院

2021.01至今  黄淮学院建筑工程学院


1.Leilei Chen, Chuang Lu, Haojie Lian, Zhaowei Liu, Wenchang Zhao, Shengze Li, Haibo Chen.Stephane P.A. Bordas, Acoustic topology optimization of sound absorbing materials directlyfrom subdivision surfaces with isogeometric boundary element methods, Computer Methods inApplied Mechanics and Engineering, 2020.04,362.

2.Wenchang Zhao, Leilei Chen, Haibo Chen, Steffen Marburg, An effective approach fortopological design to the acoustic-structure interaction systems with infinite acoustic domain.Structural MultidisciplinaryandOptimization,https://doi.org/10.1007/s00158-020-02 550-2.

3.Wenchang Zhao, Leilei Chen, Haibo Chen, Steffen Marburg, Topology optimization of exterioracoustic-structure interaction systems using the coupled FEM-BEM method, InternationalJournal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2019.0.3,119(05).

4.Leilei Chen, Haojie Lian, Z Liu, Haibo Chen, E Atroshchenko, SPA Bordas, Structural shapeoptimization of three dimensional acoustic problems with isogeometric boundary elementmethods, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,2019.10.355.

5.Leilei Chen, Steffen Marburg, Wenchang Zhao, Cheng Liu, Haibo Chen, Implementation ofIsogeometric Fast Multipole Boundary Element Methods for 2D Half-Space AcousticScattering Problems with Absorbing Boundary Condition, Journal of Theoretical andComputational Acoustics,2019.09,27(02).

6.Leilei Chen, Wenchang Zhao, Cheng Liu, Haibo Chen, Steffen Marburg, Isogeometric FastMultipole Boundary Element Method Based on Burton-Miller Formulation for 3D AcousticProblems,Archives of Acoustics,2019.10,44.7.Leilei Chen, Cheng Liu, Wenchang Zhao,Linchao Liu, An isogeometric approach of twodimensional acoustic design sensitivity analysis and topology optimization analysis forabsorbing material distribution, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering2018.04,336.

8.Leilei Chen, Wenchang Zhao, Xiaohui Yuan, Baochun Zhou, Study on the optimization of thedistribution of Absorbing material on a noise barrier,Acoustics Australia , 2018.04.46(01).

9.Leilei Chen,Steffen Marburg, Haibo Chen, Hao Zhang,Hongbo Gao,An Adjoint OperatorApproach for Sensitivity Analysis of Radiated Sound Power in Fully CoupledStructural-Acoustic Systems, Journal ofComputational Acoustics, 2017.03,25(01).

10.Leilei Chen, Wenchang Zhao, Cheng Liu, Haibo Chen, 2D Structural Acoustic Analysis Usingthe FEM/FMBEM with Different Coupled Element Types, Archives of Acoustics,2017.03,42(01).

11.Leilei Chen, Haibo Chen, Changjun Zheng, Steffen Marburg, Structural-acoustic sensitivityanalysis of radiated sound power using a finite element/ discontinuous fast multipole boundaryelement scheme, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 2016.12,82(12).

12.Leilei Chen, Linchao Liu, Wenchang Zhao, Haibo Chen, 2D Acoustic Design SensitivityAnalysis Based on Adjoint Variable Method UsingDifferent Types of Boundary Elements.Acoustics Australia,2016.08,44(02).

13.Chen L, Marburg S, Zheng C, Chen H, An Adjoint Operator Approach for Sensitivity Analysisof Radiated Sound Power in Fully Coupled Structural-Acoustic Systems[J]. Journal of Computational Acoustics,2017,25(1):1750003.

14.Chen L, Zheng C,Chen H. FEM/wideband FMBEM coupling for structural-acoustic designsensitivity analysis [J]. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2014276(7):1-19.

